Part of the answer we found when we reached Lake Charlie (see photograph) and found this license plate classic. In case you are interested in hunting in Florida, the answer to what, when, where, how is answered at the Florida Hunting and Fishing Wildlife Commission webpage where you find that alligator, deer, ducks and geese, dove, quail, turkey, small game (squirrels) and hog are hunted. The web page offers the correct information about safety, seasons, hunting outfitters and much more on the site, along with information for people with a felony conviction.
For nonhunters, the site is good also, since you're less likely to prefer to stay in your car if you know that hunting season is over. Since it was our first visit, we didn't mind seeing people properly carry their weapons and saw a good variety of habitats on our drive along the loop round that goes through this area. There's also good fishing, camping, hiking, picnicking in the area, along with over 50+ different species of butterflies.